One on One


One on One

Each of us is unique in our needs and aspirations. It’s important our practice reflect that . Amidst the countless resources, styles and teachers out there, choosing guidance best suited to your objectives can be overwhelming. Whether you’ve spent years practicing, are at the beginning of your mindfulness journey, or just curious about what a practice can offer you, one-on-one work is an invaluable exchange.

When working with me, you’ll receive a custom-fitted program designed to support your primary focus. We’ll collaborate to select practices, techniques, and lifestyle adjustments to help optimize your efforts. Here are some options to consider in moving you toward the change you seek…



Movement based sessions including but not limited to: asana (poses), pranayama (breathing exercises), meditation techniques, relaxation and restoration and various other styles to create new energetic pathways


Sound Therapy

Integrated listening sessions utilizing over-tone rich instruments, vocal toning, and guided visualization to promote altered states of consciousness and empower the listener to build a relationship to personal insight



Inspired by the Holotropic method, this breathing technique is focused around recirculating life force through the body to recalibrate the mind. Evocative music and strategic bodywork support lend support to this transformative practice

60 minutes: $90

90 minutes: $120

5 pack: $400

10 pack: $800

* Rates adjusted for online-only sessions during the CO-Vid 19 pandemic

*Each session includes a 15-20 minute FaceTime call to discuss goals and plan for your practice

Interested? Tell me a little about yourself and include a short message explaining what your goals are for wanting to develop your personal practice.